My rating: 1 of 5 stars
First off, people who dress their poor pets in cutesy outfits annoy the crap out of me, so I really have no idea why I am even bothering with this series, I picked up the first book thinking it was a pet supply store that had outifts, not pet coutre, FFS. Books one and two weren't terrible, although I truly hate the love triangle trope that keeps showing up in cozy mysteries lately. Give it a rest already!
That said, I'm having a tough time getting into this book. It's starting off sooo slow. And the characters are starting to annoy me. Izzy is kind of blah (Ask me, Dizzy Izzy fits her to a T), the victim frankly deserved what he got, so I don't really give a damn who killed him, Dolly is getting on my last nerve (bringing a dog to a cat show, really?).
There are inconsistencies that are making me cringe. Three books in, and the author's lost track of the whole plot and timeline? What's going to happen when the author gets even farther in?? Let's see, Ama took in Daniel's dog at the end of book 2, and yet suddenly in book 3 Ama's kid is calling Packer "his" and Ama is saying she'll get him a dog when he can pick up the poop himself. What? And wasn't Pris' husband supposed to be building the conference center that the cat show was to be held in? You know, instead of the condos he started building? Argh.
And can we get rid of the damned guinea pig? Ghandi isn't really moving the story along, he's just become an annoying little rodent!
I think this may end up on my unfinished shelf. Life is too short to waste on inane characters and pet clothes...
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