My rating: 1.5 of 5 stars, I wasn't a huge fan.
Book 2 in a series.
I wanted to like this book, I really did. The town is cute, the location could be brilliant, but the author never really makes use of the area of Texas the book is set in, other than to talk up Tex-Mex cooking, which just left me hungry.
I just couldn't get into this book. A book that should have taken me just hours to read took me 10 days to wade through, because it just didn't hold my interest. I kept putting it down to read something new.
The fact is, I just don't really like Josie. She's bland. And I am starting to get annoyed with books that anthropomorphize animals. I don't mind the ones where the animal has a personality, or even a special talent, but when you start dressing up your dog and treating it like your baby, I have to draw the line.
Sadly, I admit to finally just skimming the rest of the book just to get to the end. I won't be reading anything else in this series.
*I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.*
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