My rating: 4 of 5 stars, I really liked it.
Book 5 in the series.
I really enjoyed this book in the series, the Cold Case aspect really appealed to me, since it didn't have the "oh we're a tiny village and here's another dead body since you've arrived" aspect that sometimes makes a reader cringe at the unlikelihood of it. I think it is so far my favorite book in the series and I read it quickly and in one sitting.
I loved the character movement with Jimmy and Rose and I would love to see more of Rose's interests be featured. I would also be ok with less Jimmy, he's really a jerk and taking advantage of the pub.
The one turn off about this series is that Maura still needs some character development. I am tired of hearing about how she never meant to stay, never meant to run a pub, etc as an excuse for why she doesn't know how to do things.
She's been in Ireland long enough now that really, she should be taking the time to learn some basic things about the pub. Ordering, heating, taxes, etc, she needs to know it instead of depending on other people to do it for her, and she needs to keep on top of stuff like that. For her own sake as well as her employees. I also don't understand how she could be so unprepared for a serious snow storm, she's from Boston, which typically gets a ton of snow every winter!
All in all, this is another good cozy mystery by Sheila Connolly and I am actually a bit sad that she doesn't have anything new coming out again for a while now, haha.
*I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book provided by the publisher, via NetGalley*
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