My rating: 3 of 5 stars, I liked it.
First in a new series, BUT actually a spin-off from the Home Repair is Homicide series. This book is a stand alone story, but it helps (A LOT) to have read the previous series since characters have been around for a while.
I admit that when I saw this author's name on a book with a picture of cheesecake I was a little confused. I read most of her previous series, but toward the last few they started to get a little less cozy and the last one was published in 2013. I read the blurb and was happy to see that Jake was back, home repairs finally completed and ready to tackle a new business, a bakery, with her best bud, Ellie.
Things start off pretty quickly with Jake finding a body in the bakery. Ellie quickly becomes a suspect, so Jake jumps in to investigate and clear her partner.
This book was fast moving and it was fun to reconnect with what felt like old friends. I like that the author took an entirely new direction with her old characters and look forward to more.
*I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book provided by the publisher, via NetGalley.*
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