Tuesday, March 26, 2019

May Day Murder, by Jennifer David Hesse

May Day Murder (A Wiccan Wheel Mystery #5)May Day Murder by Jennifer David Hesse

My rating: 2 of 5 stars, it was okay.

Book 5 in the series.

I like the characters, I like that Keli has her own law practice now. The story was interesting and quick moving. But I felt like Keli acted a bit out of character with Erik.

My biggest complaint about this book was the secondary mystery that was slyly slipped in and left unsolved at the end. I feel like that's the new version of a cliffhanger, done to make sure the reader comes back to read the next book and it really annoys me. As a result, I dinged it a full star. I am curious about how things will end, but not enough to overcome my annoyance.

*I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book given to me by the publisher, via NetGalley.*

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Sunday, March 17, 2019

One Potato, Two Potato, Dead, by Lynn Cahoon

One Potato, Two Potato, Dead (Farm-to-Fork Mystery #3)One Potato, Two Potato, Dead by Lynn Cahoon

My rating: 1 of 5 stars, I wasn't a fan.

Book 3 in the series.

I have struggled with this series. And this one flat out bored me enough that I put it down for quite sometime and read other things. There's too much mundane stuff described in way too much detail (I take showers, I don't need to have one described for me!).

Really though, it just boils down to the fact that I don't like the main character, Angie. She doesn't come off as a nice person. In this book she volunteers to cook at a mission, not out of any altruism, but because she wants to get a look at someone's boyfriend, and really resents actually having to leave her work and go cook. So she uses the guys at the mission as guinea pigs for a meal she wants to serve in her restaurant but her boyfriend didn't like. She comes off as selfish and jaded.

Pretty sure this will be the last in the series for me.

*I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book given to me by the publisher, via NetGalley.*

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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Something Read, Something Dead, by Eva Gates

Something Read, Something Dead (Lighthouse Library Mystery, #5)Something Read, Something Dead by Eva Gates

My rating: 2 of 5 stars, it was okay.

Book 5 in the series.

I've really wanted to like this series. And I was thrilled for the author when she got the rights back and was able to find a new publisher after the massive Berkley Purge. But I really just don't like the characters in the series enough to like the books. Louise Jane needs to be the next murder victim, and then maybe I will read them again. She's just too distracting and annoying.

In fact, the only thing I really liked about this book was the fact that we didn't see much of Louise Jane!

This series is for sure relegated to my library list, if I remember it.

*I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book given to me by the publisher, via NetGalley.*

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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Chocolate a la Murder, by Kirsten Weiss

Chocolate a la Murder (A Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum Mystery)Chocolate a la Murder by Kirsten Weiss
My rating: 2 of 5 stars, it was okay.

Book 4, and possibly last book, in the series as the publisher has closed.

I've read all of the books in this series, and I had high hopes for it, I mean a Paranormal Museum sounds fun! I had a hard time getting in to this one, it felt a bit slow, despite the fact that Maddie stumbles over another body almost immediately. And Maddie is really just a nosy busy-body, snooping where she doesn't always belong, and doesn't seem to really think things through. Makes it hard to like her sometimes.

*I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book given to me by the publisher, via NetGalley.*

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