Friday, April 24, 2009


  1. Lords and Ladies / Terry Pratchett

  2. Lavender Morning / Jude Deveraux

  3. Sun in Glory / Mercedes Lackey, et al.
    How did I miss this anthology? Not as good as Sword of Ice, but good to see Talia's story of how she became a sunpriest.

  4. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
    More re-reads. With the next movie coming out in July I thought the timing was good.

  5. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
    Re-read. My very least favorite book of the series, lol. Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite, but it's been pushed aside for the moment by a new batch of library books

I've skimmed several other books as well, but I truly thought most of them atrocious (hence the skimming) and don't consider them true reads.

I read my first Danielle Steele book in years, A Good Woman, and it was awful. Depressing and IMNSHO, dreadfully boring. Perhaps this is the reason I stopped reading her books...

I'd seen Kresley Cole books on a vamp booklist and thought I'd give it a go. Put one on hold and when it came in imagine my surprise when I discovered I'd checked it out once before and returned it days later after deciding it wasn't my cup of tea. I gave it another try and I have to say it still isn't my cup of tea. The second book of hers I had was returned to the library, unopened. *Sigh*

Monday, April 13, 2009

More re-reads

  1. Wyrd Sisters / Terry Pratchett
    This starts my favorite sub-series of the Discworld series, the witches. Every time I read these books I laugh.

  2. Witches Abroad / Terry Pratchett
    My favorite Pratchett book, ever! Lol.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Since I read Foundation recently, I decided to reread more of the Mercedes Lackey Valdemar books:

  1. Arrows of the Queen

  2. Arrow's Flight

  3. Arrow's Fall

  4. By The Sword

  5. Winds of Fate

  6. Winds of Change

  7. Winds of Fury

  8. Storm Warning

  9. Storm Rising

  10. Storm Breaking

  11. Owlflight

  12. Owlsight

  13. I've also reread the previous short story anthologies with multiple authors:

  14. Crossroads

  15. Sword of Ice

I'm now thinking about digging out my copies of Vanyel's trilogy, as well as the two Alberich books and my favorite books of the lot, the Tarma and Kethry books (I read my first Tarma and Kethry story in a Sword and Sorceress anthology and was hooked!).