Friday, April 24, 2009


  1. Lords and Ladies / Terry Pratchett

  2. Lavender Morning / Jude Deveraux

  3. Sun in Glory / Mercedes Lackey, et al.
    How did I miss this anthology? Not as good as Sword of Ice, but good to see Talia's story of how she became a sunpriest.

  4. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
    More re-reads. With the next movie coming out in July I thought the timing was good.

  5. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
    Re-read. My very least favorite book of the series, lol. Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite, but it's been pushed aside for the moment by a new batch of library books

I've skimmed several other books as well, but I truly thought most of them atrocious (hence the skimming) and don't consider them true reads.

I read my first Danielle Steele book in years, A Good Woman, and it was awful. Depressing and IMNSHO, dreadfully boring. Perhaps this is the reason I stopped reading her books...

I'd seen Kresley Cole books on a vamp booklist and thought I'd give it a go. Put one on hold and when it came in imagine my surprise when I discovered I'd checked it out once before and returned it days later after deciding it wasn't my cup of tea. I gave it another try and I have to say it still isn't my cup of tea. The second book of hers I had was returned to the library, unopened. *Sigh*

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