My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Let me start by saying, I usually love cozy mysteries with a touch of paranormal...
I'd read one of Ms. Pressey's self-published books on Amazon, because it was free. When I saw this book at my local library I decided to give it a try. The combination of vintage clothes, cats, ghosts and psychic gifts was after all, a proven winner for two other authors....
Yep, this book felt like a combination of Annette Blair's Vintage Magic series, which I love and Juliet Blackwell's Witchcraft Mysteries, which I like. Ms. Pressey's book, not so much. This one felt very much like a first novel, when Pressey has quite a few self-published titles out there. I can usually get through a good book in less than a day. This book took me almost all of the three week check out period to slog though.
Pros: Funny characters, but they were over-powered by the cons.
Cons: -Cookie Chanel. Really?? What were your parents thinking? It's not cute, it's cruel, especially when the villain says, "You're a smart Cookie," at the end of the book. Blech.
-Too much vintage. I felt like Ms. Pressey went on and on and on about each item of clothing.
-The cat. *Sigh* I usually like animals in books and I truly believe that animals can sense things we don't, and may perfectly well see ghosts. But don't ask me to believe they can use a Ouija board! The cat spells better than most people I know, for crying out loud.
-The Ouija board. The one thing I agreed with Cookie about was not wanting to use it. Put it away.
-Plot holes. There were several that kind of made me crazy (the author can't seem to add to 3, for example, coming up with 4 hankies in a package of three).
-Weak mystery.
-And did I mention too much vintage and too much description of said vintage??
I see that this author has 12 different series on the go. Maybe she should settle on a few for a bit, and see if that helps tighten up her writing. Whatever, I'm glad this was a library book, and I won't be searching out anymore titles by this author.
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