My rating: 3 of 5 stars
It was ok. A whole lot better then the other one I picked up at the library at the same time, The Diva Paints the Town. I can't seem to get past the first 50 pages in that one! Yes, I know I am reading them out of order, but when I couldn't get into one, I moved on to another. I will likely try and read more in the series, because I did enjoy the book over all, once I gripped a bit out loud while reading it, haha.
It's Christmas, the neighborhood is out in full force, decorating for the holidays and swapping cookies (by the way, I made the Famous Pinwheel recipe, and it was flat out GROSS! I took one bite and spit it straight in the trash. My husband and daughter did exactly the same! What a waste of time and ingredients. Don't let the simplicity of the recipe fool you, it has NO redeeming qualities and I can't even think of ways to fix it so that the taste matches the lovely way these cookies look! Unless of course you like the taste of flour, then go for it...).
The cast of characters seemed a bit much, sometimes it was hard to keep them all straight, and the plot a little (lot?) convoluted. Sophie seems nice, as in a bit of a doormat. I don't care if they share a dog, what the heck is with her and her ex? He & Sophie divorce and then he hooks up with the Wicked Witch of the West (the complete opposite of Sophie, really) and still wanders back to Sophie on a regular basis. In this book he seems to spend more time with his Sophie than he does with Natasha.
Which brings me to my next point, get rid of Natasha. She's a stone cold bitch (and I think one reason that I can't get into the 1st book I tried) and a domestic diva with her own show?? Really, decorating for the holidays in pink and orange and then silver and black, why would anyone listen to her??
(view spoiler)
My biggest gripe? The whole freakin' love triangle (although in this case it's more a square) between Sophie, Mars, Wolf, Alex. I am getting utterly sick of author's using this super formulaic plot device. I don't read a cozy for the romance, I read it for the mystery. And I would rather the mystery not be who the protagonist is going to end up with! ["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>
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