My rating: 2 of 5 stars, it was just okay. This book took me a lot longer to get through than usual. I kept having to put it down because something in it just pulled me out of the story and it was frustrating.
Honestly, this book just wasn't my cup of tea. I expect cozy mysteries set in small towns to have some eccentric characters. that's how it is with small towns. What I don't expect is that they will ALL be that way. Every last character seemed to be "quirky," the main character, Erica, still rebelling against her childhood, she claims to care for Grady and then keeps information from him; her rich, immature and annoying best friend, Freddie, who jumps from plan to plan with no common sense and way too much money; Erica's mother, Summer Bloom, the stereotypical hippy-dippy flower child, who at this point and time is refusing to speak because she's running a silent retreat for more hippy-dippy wannabes.
And then there's Tweety and Kit Kat. They're people by the way, not dogs or cats. Tweety and Kit Kat nearly made me mark this book as DNF, just because the names made me say to myself, "Who's trying too hard to be cutesy, then?"
I finally managed to slog through it, to a decent resolution of the murder mystery. It did have some funny moments, but for the most part, it tries too hard to be funny. Sadly, I will not be looking forward to anymore books from this author.
*I was provided with an ARC of this book by the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review*
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