My rating: 2.5 of 5 stars, I liked it, but...
I have to say that the description on the cover of the book calling it "An absolutely hilarious cozy mystery" made me a bit skeptical, it's a pretty lofty claim, haha. And truly, it was amusing, but I would never say absolutely hilarious... But I did enjoy it. It was a light, fluffy read that went quickly.
The biggest drawback to this book was the stupid love triangle. Both guys were jerks, and I am so over the whole, "Will she, won't she," crap of cozies lately. And as a result, Melody and Marina often come off like they're still in junior high, rather than 27!
I'd read another book in the series for sure, but I'd certainly be happy to see the love triangle disappear.
*I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by the publisher via NetGalley.*
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