Murder in the Cookbook Nook by Ellery Adams
My rating: 2 of 5 stars, it was okay.
Book 7 in the series.
*I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book provided by the publisher, via NetGalley.* I mention this early, because there were A LOT of typos/errors in the version I read, and they really distracted me from the story.
Errors aside, I honestly can't put my finger on one single thing that I didn't like, I just couldn't focus on the story. I think maybe I am growing out of cozy mysteries or I am in a reading slump, because I've had a hard time with a lot of books lately.
BUT, I am still having issues with the whole Edwin relationship and his "real" profession. Stick in an "influencer" and I just found myself annoyed.
It's too bad, because I loved Bake Off and thought the idea for this was fun. Add in a surprise appearance of a crossover character from a defunct series and I should have loved it.
I think I may take a break from cozies for a bit.
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